Corporate Governance
1. Objective
The Bank is committed to ensure its business and operations are conducted in an ethical, moral and legal manner. In line with this commitment, the Bank has put in place the Whistleblowing Policy and Procedures (WBP) to provide an avenue for all staff, interns, consultants, contractors, vendors, suppliers and/or customers to disclose any alleged illegal, unethical, questionable practices or improper conduct committed or about to be committed within the Bank. The disclosures shall be treated in strict confidence and without any risk of reprisal.
2. Scope of Reporting
Any irregularity and improper conduct, including but NOT limited to the following:
- Fraud or Dishonesty
- Theft or Embezzlement
- Bribery, Corruption
- Sexual Harassment
- Abuse of Power
- Breach of Applicable Laws and Regulations, Including Any Illegal Activities (including but not limited to Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Activities)
- Breach of Bank’s Policies and Procedures (including but not limited to Code of Ethics, Staff Conduct and Discipline, Customer Service Charter)
- Insider Trading
- Conflict of Interest
- Improper Use or Falsification of Management and Financial Information
- Misuse of Bank’s Property and Information
- Bullying, Intimidation, Harassment
Gross Mismanagement or Dereliction of Duties
3. Reporting Procedure
- 3.1 To report any irregularity/misconduct committed or about to be committed (including any criminal act), the Whistleblower is encouraged to provide the relevant details in the web-form when user clicks on the PBALERT Link (see below item 4.1) or send an Email to
- 3.2 The Whistleblower is responsible to ensure that the disclosure is made in good faith, free from malicious intent, and is not for personal gains or with a vested interest. This is also not a channel for taking up any personal grievances.
- 3.3 Disclosures are expected to be made on reasonable grounds. However, reports made that are frivolous, not true, misleading or made mala fide or with malicious intent may result in disciplinary or other action.
4. Reporting Channels
- 4.1 Disclosure via the PBALERT Link (click here). A web-form will be populated once the link is invoked for the Whistleblower to insert relevant details.
- 4.2 Disclosure via Protected Email Address at:
- 4.3 All of the above are secured and protected channels accessible only by the authorised personnel.
- 4.4 The Bank at its discretion, may keep the Whistleblower informed of the outcome of any investigation within constraints of maintaining confidentiality or observation of legal restrictions.
5. Protection Accorded to Whistleblower(s)
- 5.1 The Bank encourages the Whistleblower to disclose his/her identity to enable him/her to be accorded with the necessary protection and to facilitate investigation. Nevertheless, the Whistleblower may choose to remain anonymous, although in certain circumstances, it may limit the conduct of a comprehensive investigation due to insufficient information.
- 5.2 The Bank will accord protection of confidentiality to the Whistleblower to the extent reasonably consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
- 5.3 The Bank will take all reasonable steps to protect the Whistleblower against any discrimination, retaliation or harassment, corresponding to its internal policies and scope under its purview and supervision.
6. Withdrawal of Disclosure
The Whistleblower who wishes to withdraw his/her disclosure is required to write to, together with supporting reason(s) for the withdrawal. Notwithstanding such withdrawal, the Bank reserves the right to proceed with investigation on the matters arising from the disclosure.
7. Other Reporting Channels
The Whistleblower may also lodge a report with the Royal Malaysia Police, Bank Negara Malaysia, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) or any other enforcement agencies as defined under the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 and forward a copy of the said report to the Bank to enable the Bank to conduct its own internal investigations. The contact details of the relevant agencies are provided in the attached Appendix.